JUST IN:What the politics of your supermarket say about you it was because of…

The last bastion of unshakeable Tory support? The aisles of Waitrose, apparently. According to a new poll, the shop, which sells gooseberry fool and halloumi in its “essentials” range, is now the only major supermarket with a majority of Conservative customers.

Is your supermarket'climate-friendly'? Here's how to tell | CBC News
Researchers at GlobalData found that Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Lidl, Aldi and Morrisons have all swung to Labour since a previous poll in 2019, with upmarket online retailer Ocado now claiming the highest proportion of Labour voters (closely followed by Lidl and Iceland, whose boss Richard Walker recently publicly switched allegiances from Tory to Labour). Keir Starmer’s party, it seems, has pulled off a real supermarket sweep in the years since the last general election, when it could only count on majority support from shoppers at

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