Sad News: Je suis vraiment désolé de vous annoncer que c’est la dernière saison que je travaillerai avec cette équipe ; je ne peux plus l’accepter. “Samuel umtiti” annonce lors de la signature d’un nouvel accord avec…

Samuel Umtiti joined LOSC Lille this summer after a tumultuous spell at FC Barcelona. The Frenchman, who has suffered many injuries, is not back to the level he was when he arrived at the club, but he wants to start a prosperous

period at Lille having left behind “the bitterness that prevented me from moving forward”, as he said in an interview with ‘L’Equipé’.

On his physical condition, and after playing two games (at Rennes and against Ljubljana), Umtiti said he felt “better, I really need to play more games. I was two weeks late in the preparation, then I had a small injury (psoas),

I had to get into the rhythm of the group. We did a good job with the staff. Now only the matches will allow me to get back into this rhythm. But I feel better and better.”

Umtiti missed the start of the season due to injury. “I was very focused on a personal level to come back well, to treat my small injury and to have a good feeling. Then I am a person who likes a lot to give advice, to discuss, either

with the staff or with the players, to know how each one thinks, on an occasion, an event of the game, to be able to do better. Even during the time I was injured, I had the opportunity to talk to all the players. And even more so now

that I’ve been able to spin matches. I feel listened to, it’s a very concerned group, they want to progress, it’s quite easy to have conversations to move forward and progress,” he said.



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