SO SAD: All my efforts in this “club” You always do this to me, I won’t play anymore, I’m done, said “mitchell moses” as he left in the…

In addition, Butker seems to have his cake and eat it. He stresses the importance of staying in one’s lane yet later states what he thinks will excite a majority of women the most – raising a family. Had I given this address, I would

have referenced the words of St. Francis de Sales who famously said to “be who you are and be that well”. This involves learning more about oneself, acknowledging one’s ambitions and talents, and acting on them ad maiorem Dei gloriam.

Butker gets one thing right — society is changing. To this end, we too as men should spend more time with our kids or future kids whenever possible, cook meals, clean, and do laundry — skills that are often associated with

“homemakers”.  Some of these activities may be therapeutic, but they are essential life skills.  Choosing to help our future spouse or partner with homemaking reflects Christ’s example of serving others before self.  In contributing at

home — while balancing careers — we too can promote a sense of equality, respect and dignity. This goes beyond a preconceived notion of masculinity.

Butker should know that my father married a woman who is a dedicated pathologist and was initially Hindu. Even before her conversion, she made my dad, my siblings, and myself better versions of ourselves.

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