Sad News: Je suis vraiment désolé de vous annoncer que c’est la dernière saison que je travaillerai avec cette équipe ; je ne peux plus l’accepter. “Samuel umtiti” annonce lors de la signature d’un nouvel accord avec…

Samuel Umtiti joined LOSC Lille this summer after a tumultuous spell at FC Barcelona. The Frenchman, who has suffered many injuries, is not back to the level he was when he arrived at the club, but he wants to start a prosperous period at Lille having left behind “the bitterness that prevented me from moving…

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Nouvelles bonnes : LOSC LILLE jouera l’UEFA Champions League la saison prochaine pour certaines raisons…Voir davantage

Lille fans from travelling to the southern city for a Ligue 1 match this weekend. Lille president Olivier Letang wrote to the public authorities for assurances before agreeing to travel following last week’s incidents which left Lyon coach Fabio Grosso with cuts to his face that required stitches. Only 250 Lille fans had planned to…

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